10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka Nytt set wispy volym fransar... - 4ever Young Beauty, Stockholm - Bokadirekt

Denna tjänst tilldelas slumpmässigt till en stylist. Om du önskar att välja din egen stylist, vänligen använd vår direktbokningstjänst på 4everyoungbeauty.com. 🔸️ Betalning sker innan påbörjad behandling eller konsultation. 🔸️ Läs noga igenom villkor innan bokning. Om behandling ej kan genomföras p.g.a. nämnda kontraindikationer debiteras besöket till fullpris. 🔸️Se till att komma i god tid till din behandling. Vid sen ankomst riskeras din behandling att inte kunna utföras. Inga undantag görs. 🔸️Kom gärna utan smink eller ta bort make-up innan din behandling. Ev. sminkborttagning och toabesök samt betalning räknas alla in i din bokade tid. 🔸️Behandlingar rekommenderas ej vid förkylning, feber eller inflammationer. 🔸️Vi kan inte ta emot barn och barnvagnar på salongen. Inga sällskap in på rummen. 🔸️För allas trivsel tillåts inte mat, dryck eller skor inne på salong och behandlingsrum. 🔹LASH EXTENSIONS INFO 🔹 Volume lashes vary from the natural look which adds more length, fluff and fullness. They are applied on a 2-6:1 ratio which means 2-6 lashes are crafted into a fan and applied onto 1 natural lash; they won't be heavy for your natural lash since the thickness of the extensions is only 0,03-0,07g. It typically takes 2-3 hours depending on what type of technique your lash stylist is using. You can choose between Russian volume which will give you a finer look on your lashes or Mega volume if you are going for a more dramatic and fuller look. 🔹BEFORE APPOINTMENT 🔹 -Make sure that all make up, face cream or any oil based products are removed before the treatment. -Avoid using lash curler - If wearing lenses make sure they are removed. -In case of eye infection we are not able to perform the service until completely healed. 🔹 AFTER THE APPOINTMENT 🔹 - Avoid using lash curler / mascara or any oil based products directly on the eyelashes - Please do not rub pull or pick the lashes, we recommend that you use a spoolie for brushing the extensions - Wash 3-5x a week with lash shampoo and brush - Wait 24 h before showering or going to the sauna - Consider a refill after 3-3,5 weeks (75-90min) - We do not recommend self-removal due to the danger of natural lash damage. ❗IMPORTANT INFO ❗ - If you have lash extensions from a previous lash stylist we will need to remove them. Cost of removal service (300kr) -The price only applies to certain hours that you can book when you have chosen the right service. - Check the promotional price in the booking confirmation via email. - Lash adhesive contains cyanoacrylate - there is a possibility of allergic reaction. If you have experienced a reaction to the glue previously we do not recommend this treatment. ⋆Are you experiencing unusual lash fallout, feeling discomfort, severe itching, pain or swelling? PLEASE CONTACT US AT INFO@4EVERYOUNGBEAUTY.COM OR +467023-0027
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Kampanjpris  1 395 kr