10 - 16 marVecka 11


Boka Nytt set mixfransar + färg ... - 4ever Young Beauty, Stockholm - Bokadirekt

Denna tjänst tilldelas slumpmässigt till en stylist. Om du önskar att välja din egen stylist, vänligen använd vår direktbokningstjänst på 4everyoungbeauty.com. 🔸️ Betalning sker innan påbörjad behandling eller konsultation. 🔸️ Läs noga igenom villkor innan bokning. Om behandling ej kan genomföras p.g.a. nämnda kontraindikationer debiteras besöket till fullpris. 🔸️Se till att komma i god tid till din behandling. Vid sen ankomst riskeras din behandling att inte kunna utföras. Inga undantag görs. 🔸️Kom gärna utan smink eller ta bort make-up innan din behandling. Ev. sminkborttagning och toabesök samt betalning räknas alla in i din bokade tid. 🔸️Behandlingar rekommenderas ej vid förkylning, feber eller inflammationer. 🔸️Vi kan inte ta emot barn och barnvagnar på salongen. Inga sällskap in på rummen. 🔸️För allas trivsel tillåts inte mat, dryck eller skor inne på salong och behandlingsrum. 🔹LASH EXTENSIONS INFO 🔹 Hybrid or Mix lashes extensions give you the best of both classic and volume. They are the perfect amount of texture and volume, but without the dramatic look. Great for you if you want just a little bit more fullness, or if you don’t have a lot of natural lashes and find classic lashes look too natural or even gappy. The application takes from 1,5-2 hours depending on which ratio of mix and volume suits you best. 🔹BEFORE APPOINTMENT 🔹 -Make sure that all make up, face cream or any oil based products are removed before the treatment. -Avoid using lash curler - If wearing lenses make sure they are removed. -In case of eye infection we are not able to perform the service until completely healed. 🔹 AFTER THE APPOINTMENT 🔹 - Avoid using lash curler / mascara or any oil based products directly on the eyelashes - Please do not rub pull or pick the lashes, we recommend that you use a spoolie for brushing the extensions - Wash 3-5x a week with lash shampoo and brush - Wait 24 h before showering or going to the sauna - Consider a refill after 3-3,5 weeks (75-90min) - We do not recommend self-removal due to the danger of natural lash damage. ❗IMPORTANT INFO ❗ - If you have lash extensions from a previous lash stylist we will need to remove them. Cost of removal service (300kr) -The price only applies to certain hours that you can book when you have chosen the right service. - Check the promotional price in the booking confirmation via email. - Lash adhesive contains cyanoacrylate - there is a possibility of allergic reaction. If you have experienced a reaction to the glue previously we do not recommend this treatment. ⋆Are you experiencing unusual lash fallout, feeling discomfort, severe itching, pain or swelling? PLEASE CONTACT US AT INFO@4EVERYOUNGBEAUTY.COM OR +467023-0027
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Kampanjpris  1 399 kr